The Norwegian Spinal Cord Injuries Association is an organisation of and for people with spinal cord injuries, their relatives, professionals and others. The Association is based on empowerment and run voluntarily by members with spinal cord injuries. There are some 1000 members from the whole of Norway, and the Association is part of The Norwegian Association of Disabled (NHF).

In Norway there are about 4,500 – 5,000 people with spinal cord injuries. Each year about 100 people contract a spinal cord injury due to accident or disease in the spinal cord. Paraplegics are paralysed in the lower part of the body, whereas tetraplegics also have paralysis in the upper part of the body. Not only the legs and/or arms are paralysed. Other functions are also affected, e.g. intestines, bladder and sexuality.

The primary activities of the Norwegian Spinal Cord Injuries Association are:

Information to and about people with spinal cord injuries. We publish the membership magazine Patetra four times a year, books as well as leaflets about the treatment of injuries and life with a spinal cord injury.
Work to improve the possibilities of treatment, at for instance hospitals, in the local authorities, at the doctors or physiotherapists.
Follow and inspire research focusing on still unknown areas of life as a person with spinal cord injury.
Information campaigns of different types and conferences.
Give the opportunity to meet others with spinal cord injuries, and exchange experiences and knowledge about cars, aids and remedies, treatment, education, employment etc. This takes place for example at the different seminars held by The Norwegian Spinal Cord Injuries Association.

The Norwegian Spinal Cord Injuries Association collaborates with scientists, therapists and others involved in the treatment of para- and tetraplegics.

Norwegian Spinal Cord Injuries Association
Schweigaardsgt. 12
PO. Box 9217 Grønland
N 0134 Oslo

